
Corporate Vision's 2016 Technology Innovator Awards, one of only a handful of independently issued global technology awards, has chosen Archetype for two industry-wide awards.

The awards are as follows:

2016 Technology Innovator Award - Most Innovative IoT Sensor Integration Platform: TerraTrace™
2016 Technology Innovator Award - Best Athlete Biometric Monitoring Technology: PlayerMD™

Archetype is proud to be the recipient of both awards.

View Corporate Vision Awards - Go To Page 56

From Corporate Vision:

"About our Awards...

Corporate Vision is dedicated to working around the clock to shine a spotlight on the brightest, best performing and most deserving companies and individuals from around the business world. We're fiercely passionate about recognising outstanding achievement, game-changing innovation and stellar performance, and all of our awards are carefully tailored to provide detailed and in-depth analysis of the very best each market, industry, sector and region has to offer. We take choosing our winners very seriously and every single one is chosen on merit. As we said, we're only interested in recognising the very best so, no matter how big a business is, nobody can buy their way to success."